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Wahoo Fishing NC - How to Catch the Big Ones

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Here are some tips to help you make the most of your wahoo fishing trip to North Carolina. This information will help you catch the best fish, whether you fish from an off-shore trolling boat or one of the many high speed lures. There is no limit on recreational catch of wahoo. A commercial license is required to catch trophy fish.

Offshore trolling

Offshore fishing for wahoo is best in the fall, especially in late August or early September. Wahoo begin to appear in the waters around Morehead City from mid-to late August. Clear and calm waters with minimal current are best for fishing. A ballyhoo rigged in plain form is a great standard bait for offshore trolling. Several other lures are also popular, including cedar plugs, Green Machines, and Wahoo Whackers.

Whajoo do not fear boats and prefer baits that are fished below the surface. This technique is very popular in the Bahamas, where boats are pulling artificials at speeds up to twenty knots. Barracuda is not an issue in the Carolinas. The ocean temperature increases, which means that the wahoo will also rise. The water temperature and conditions for fishing are ideal for wahoo.

In the spring and fall, wahoo are the primary target. The transition from winter into spring will determine when other species will appear. Historically, yellowfin tuna were the top target in the spring, but in recent years, they have been absent. Although some do get caught, there are not many. The catch has been made even more rewarding by this. You might be interested in learning more about the techniques of five experienced captains if you are looking for a high-speed trolling method.


Ballyhoos make the best bait when it comes to catching Wahoo. You can freeze the bait or use it fresh. The best way to retrieve the bait is with a trolling-size J-hook. The hook itself should be in line with fish's nostrils. Ballyhoos are great for surface and seafloor fishing.

Wahoos usually prefer the deeper water column but can be found on the sand as well as in the water. To attract wahoos, ballsyhoos need to be dark in color. They can run at incredible speeds and are very aggressive. Ballyhoos are also very effective at luring different types of fish.

Ballyhoos, the most effective wahoo baits in North Carolina waters, are best. Ballyhoos comes in many different colors and textures. A ballyhoo is capable of catching wahoo in the waters it inhabits if fished correctly. Ballyhoos can also be used as wahoo bait. If you have a planer rod, you will want to invest in a hard lure, such as a Yo-zuri Bonita or a Braid Marauder. These lures come in many colors such as purple/black or pink/black.

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A single-strand stainless steel wire leader in coffee-colored stainless will be a good choice for fishing for wahoo. The leader should be equipped with a bridle. There are three to sixteen sizes of planers, so rigging is essential for success. Capt. Weaver also noted that wahoo are a common target. If you are planning on targeting wahoo, rigging a planer with a bridle will help you to find the sweet spot.

High-speed lures

Many high-speed lures for trolling are available to catch wahoo. These high-speed lures are easily pulled by an inline weight and can be placed on a downrigger, planer, or other support device. When targeting big tuna or wahoo, dark colors are especially effective. These lures are strong and durable, so they can keep going even after you catch many fish. MagBay as well as Nomad manufacture high-speed trolling lures.

High-speed trolling baits are ideal for these fish, as they can move quickly enough to reach a good spot. Wahoo can hit speeds of 60 mph with strike lures travelling at 18 MPH. This is the average speed of a transiting lure traveling at two to four feet per second. This is why you should use quality drag and heavy lures. Two people are required to gaff fish for maximum success.

The lip plug is a popular type of high-speed lure. These lures are often rigged in wire or cable. This can cause the lure to become bent and break the line. It is best to buy a multi-stranded cable. This wire is also less likely to bend and kink, so it can run straighter. A clip can be used to make changing lures simpler.

Floating debris

This is a great spot to catch this trophy fish. Whajoo love to hunt on the bottom, especially wrecks, ledges and floating debris. These structures provide the perfect habitat for wahoo, who tend to stack up underneath these items. The best place to target this fish is also floating debris. This material often works under these obstacles. Floating debris may also be a good way to spot these majestic fish schools.

Before fishing for wahoo schools, it is important to inspect any floating debris for dolphins. He should not attempt to fish in areas that aren't home to baitfish or dolphins. To get to the wahoo he will need a fast-retrieve reel that has a 6-to-1 gear ratio. A 4 to six-ounce diamond jig with a double-strength Mustad 3407 hook is recommended. The jigs should be large enough to protect a fluorocarbon leader 60 pounds in weight and a floating if the bait is caught in the debris. They should not be Butterfly-style, as they have help hooks at their top.

During the cooler months, the water surface temperature is cooler, increasing the odds of finding a Wahoo. This species prefers areas with water that is cooler and more current. Use satellite imagery to monitor surface temperature to determine whether any small changes in the temperature will bring in a higher concentration of Wahoo. As the water temperature decreases, fish populations are more likely to migrate to these areas. This time is when fishing in these areas can be at its best.


A few exceptions may exist in the Gulf of Mexico. Wahoo tend to travel in migratory patterns. They might migrate across the Atlantic via a number of areas: the Caribbean Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico, the Western Atlantic and the Eastern Atlantic. These fish live in structures that are determined by currents, water temperature, and other factors.

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Whalos, which are structure-oriented in their fall, frequent inshore drops and lumps in 120 feet or more of water. This large fish is known for their razor-sharp jaws. To catch one, Hagerich recommends heavy single-strand wire and a heavy-duty rod. When fishing a wahoo, the captain helps the angler stay tight by bumping the boat in and out of gear.

Whalos are aggressive bottom forms and love to hang around wrecks, ledges, or other weed lines. They prefer to strike fast-moving lures. They often stay near weedlines and other debris in North Carolina. This means that they are more likely to strike a weedline or an artificial lure. They can reach speeds of up to ten knots.

The best time to fish for wahoo is July through September, even though it's a year-round species. They prefer warmer Gulf Stream water, so if you're looking for a great place to fish, North Carolina's wahoo fishing infrastructure will offer you many options. For example, you can try trolling around offshore humps or wrecks to find a few wahoo.

Peak hours feeding

While there are many times of the year when wahoo fishing can be very productive, there are certain peak times in the month you should focus on for the best results. For example, the three days immediately before and after the Full Moon, and the New Moon are prime times for wahoo fishing. You should be trolling at a normal or high speed during these peak times. As long as your boat can handle this extra speed, you should be able to catch a wahoo.

Summer is the best time to fish for wahoo. The best time to target these fish is on the ledges and structure between the Jupiter and Stuart inlets. The average wahoo weights in at 25 to 25 pounds. However, there are often 50-pounders. During prime time you will be able catch both a large and a smaller wahoo.

The best time to hunt wahoo is between October and March. The water temperature remains cool during these months, making wahoo more likely to bite. Even though May's weather is unpredictable, it's generally the best month to light-tackle fish. Blue-crystal is the best bait for wahoo fishing if you are planning a trip. If you are looking for large fish, however, fishing can be done in late April or early May.

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What happens when I get caught illegally fishing

You could face fines or jail time as well as losing your fishing permit. It's important to know the rules before you go fishing.

Where can I find great fishing spots?

There are many places you can fish all around the world. Many people enjoy fishing in parks, private ponds and lakes, rivers, streams and other bodies water.

What happens when I lose a fishing fish?

Part of the game is losing a fish. Sometimes, you will catch a fish and then lose it. Try again when this happens. You will eventually catch another fish.

How far away from shore should I stand when fishing?

The farther you stand from the shore, the more likely you are to catch fish. But, you also have a higher chance of getting wet.


  • To substantiate this theory, Knight attempted a systematic inquiry by considering the timing of 200 'record' catches, more than 90 percent were made during a new moon (when no moon is visible). (myfwc.com)
  • Coarse fishing is 100% catch and release these days. (linesonthewater.anglingtrust.net)
  • For most freshwater species you are most likely to target when first starting out, a reel size of 20 to 30 should be more than enough! (strikeandcatch.com)
  • About 40 percent of all fish are freshwater species. (takemefishing.org)

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How To

How to tie a fishing lure like a professional

These steps will allow you to create simple fishing lures using different materials and colors.

Step 1: Cut two pieces of twine about 3/4 inch wide.

Step 2: Fold one piece of twine in half.

Step 3: Twist the ends together.

Step 4: Wrap the end of the second piece of twine around the first piece of twine so that the knot sits inside the loop.

Step 5: Secure the loop.

Step 6 - Repeat step 4.

Step 7: Use a needle to secure the knot.

Step 8: Cut excess twine.


Wahoo Fishing NC - How to Catch the Big Ones